Refurbishing your VS Code on Windows.

Customizing your code editors may be one step to boosting productivity. At least, so I think.

And your choice of font my friend, is one of those customizations. Virtual Studio Code (VS Code) allows you to do so much with customizing. Feels like you can do anything with it. You are only inhibited by your creativity. Today, I want to tell you about a beautiful font style I came across: Cascadia Code.

To install:

  • Download font package from here. Feel free it's Opensource.

  • Extract file and open the TrueType Font style (TTF) by double-clicking and install.

  • Open VS Code - go to settings or use the Ctrl + , command and change font family to 'Cascadia Code'. You can also,add it along with the others.

    Adding it along with the others simply means when the Cascadia font is unavailable, it can revert to the next available font.

  • Also, if you are familiar with JSON you can modify the settings.json file and include the same font family.

  • Enable font ligatures or set value to true in settings.json

Voila! You are all set. Have a feel of it!